Charity action „Gwiazdor”
Once again, we have become the Star Makers by participating in the charity action “Gwiazdor” (Star) and preparing Christmas packages for children in need, who are taken care of by local Children’s Friends Associations.
What is it actually about?
It is an action connected with Christmas. It is called “Gwiazdor” because its roots go back to Poznan, where there is no Santa Claus, but the Star. The idea is to find a Santa Claus for a letter written by a child, and the aim is to reach children who are in a difficult financial and/or social situation. Children to whom help is very rare.
Mainly, these are children designated by Children’s Friends Societies, but not only. There are also children from MOPS, Caritas, orphanages and centers taking care of disabled elderly people (so called Big Children).